Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Lack of Routine...

Today was a snow day!  Yeah!  It was fun to have a reason to get going a little slower, and make a special breakfast for the boys (it was their first and probably only snow day of the year).  There was still work to be done - Sunday's comin' - but it was not a normal day.  And I think we need the both; normal days and days like today.

When I travel - when I don't have the set routine - I find that I rarely take time in my day to read the Bible or spend focused time in prayer.  Today I was just about out of the bedroom for the day when I realized I hadn't taken the time to read the Lenten devotional guide and chosen scripture for the day.  Things were just a little different, but off kilter enough to almost miss something I want in my day.

If every day is routine, I am not challenged.
If every day is routine, indelible memories which mark the passage of time are not created.
If every day is routine, we miss the beauty of diversity.

Overall, I may be too fond of change - but it is only possible when there is routine to provide a solid foundation.  It was a great snow day - now back to the routine.

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