Monday, February 20, 2017

My head hurts...

Have you ever learned so much your head hurt?  Well, today was one of those days.  In one day we learned what we don’t know about West Africa history, Niger past, present and future, the amazing life stories of people who have left the USA and now call Niger home, the life changing work these people are doing here, the history of Christianity in the country, the amazing things which have happened here since the riots and destruction, how what others meant for evil, God has used for good, and life changing stories of how God has transformed men from Muslim families into Christian church leaders.  How about spending over 5 hours learning from a man who came from a traditional village of 500, first learned English from a Peace Corp volunteer, was encouraged toward Christianity by his Imam, and is now one of seven judges on the highest court of Niger's Supreme Court (Congressinoal Court)! 

The day just ended with a 2+ hour dinner with four Americans from ERC and four Nigerien men (including the judge, and the president of the EERN denomination) which continued until 10:30 this evening.  I have experienced too much to record right now – hopefully tomorrow…  because right now my head hurts.

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