18 months ago my father-in-law put it out there - for my birthday I would like you to drive to JFK Airport, pick up someone you have never met, and take him to New Haven, CT. Not exactly buying a power tool or new socks - but at least we didn't have to guess what he wanted. And really, the airport is less than 150 miles away - if you are a crow. If you are bound to this earth by gravity it is a trip through the Bronx, Queens, bridges, tolls, potholes and the whole reality what makes New York City.
Get in the car kids - to end the summer of 2013 we are heading to an airport (we did visit the awesome Bronx Zoo in the rain on the way by). With 8 hours inside the car, our 12 hour trip came to an end, and once again we gained more than we gave. For now we knew Pastor Steward who had just arrived in the USA for the first time in his life for a nine month sabbatical program hosted in New Haven. We had the privilege to be his welcoming committee.
Steward's first burger ever his questions, don't the have smaller? |
Eight months later we were able to host him in our home in Delmar, NY, introduce him to the congregation we had just begun to serve in Castleton, and continue to build our relationship. Shortly after our time together he would be returning to his work in India, reuniting with his family after nine months, and he wondered if we would ever come for a visit....
I knew we would be traveling somewhere as a family - until that moment India had not been on the list. It didn't seem likely, we had so many options (see last post) so I gave a noncommittal "maybe." Over the past nine months that maybe has changed to a yes, and on February 16 we are scheduled to depart for India. I have a little hunch that the 12 hours we traveled while meeting Pastor Steward for the first time will seem like nothing compared to what lies ahead...
Our next reunion will be in Dibrugarh |
Never dreamed a gift could go so far! We're so excited about the possibilities for you all in this adventure and believe God was certainly guiding our steps from the very beginning of the relationship with our Indian brothers and sisters.