Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It has begun...

Monday is normally my day off - so it didn't really feel like the start of my sabbatical. I did the laundry, I did work around the house, time on the computer, etc... but today is different. I didn't go to the office today (though I do have some piles to wrap up some evening this week) I'm sure it will take time for it to sink in, but my focus for the next three months will not be on the day to day details of Delmar Reformed Church.

What is my church work? What is my personal ministry? What do I take a break from? I don't do much of what I do because I get paid, so I can't say - I'll stop doing the things I get paid for - You can't pay someone to serve God. And I try not to dichotomize my life - the people of DRC are my friends. The disciples didn't learn and teach with Jesus, and then go off to spend time with their "real friends." So, sabbatical can't be about distancing myself from DRC, because that would be about distancing myself from my friends... but it can be about distancing myself from the responsibility I have at DRC. That is my rest, from decisions, from the weight, from the responsibility. It feels strange to say that, because that too is part of who I am, but by letting it go I can grow, refresh, gain perspective, be open.

Well, these blogs my not be as readable as others, because they are going to be more my processing... I'm sure I'll try and entertain myself, so they might still be fun to read, but I'll just see where they go.

Today I have set up my first pastor lunch/interview & figured out how to blog from my ipad (and get things in my google accounts streamlined). It is also good to be here at home on Tuesday and see how hard Jen works on the band work - like most people, I tend only to see the final result.

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