"Don't ask, don't tell"? The military policy of a few years ago is openly mocked, but it has been quickly reworked and reapplied. Now you can be anyone you want to be, hold any role you want to hold, be popular in the public eye - just don't tell us what you really think about homosexuality if it isn't approved by the LGBT community. We won't ask, please don't tell us if it is something with which we disagree.
You are absolutely fine, as long as there is no proof of holding any beliefs which challenge the newly developing societal norm.

The activist groups which jumped on this within moments clearly knew what to watch for. They clearly knew that this Christian family undoubtedly clung not only to their guns, but also their faith. And not just any faith, but a pretty traditional one - all the activists needed was one video clip, one paragraph in print, one GQ interview. The Robertsons just had to step out of the closet.
All was fine as long as the family abided by the new "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The message seems to be getting clearer - keep your beliefs in your closet!