Blog stands for web log.
Log Entry 86 - Yesterday we bought a house. It took what seemed like forever to get from shopping to owning, but now that process is done. The closing was a fun event. The lawyers and closing agent at one end of the table, crunching numbers, sorting papers, muttering under their breath, and the buyers and sellers at the other end, chatting, sharing, and signing papers as they passed in front of us.
I just about got philosophical about how what should be relational can easily become adversarial - but not today, I used the backspace key, and it is gone (but I still figured out how to mention it in a back handed way).
Jashton wanted to see the house in one piece, so we didn't start any work of a destructive nature until he was home from school. Before then we could take inventory, and wander our new house. One benefit of it ending up a relational transaction is that the previous owners left many things of value. They didn't need them for their condo in North Carolina, and they wanted someone who would use them to have them - and we fit the bill. Very nice curtains, rugs, shelves, gardening supplies, and the list could go on. Thank you Mary & Lynn. Oh, did I mention they left everything amazingly clean!
By the end of the day, we knew more of what we are working with, and the carpet was pulled up on the lower level. Lots of work lays ahead - on our new home!
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