Thursday, March 22, 2012

Praying for a Miracle

I have prayed for many miracles - I have seen some miracles come about.  I know God is listening, God cares and God acts - so why is it hard to pray for miracles for myself sometimes?  Like now.

I found myself wanting to pray for a miracle this morning.  Praying that God acts, all the pieces come together, and a literal miracle happens and we close on the house today.  If it were to happen it would be an actual act of God.  The closing is scheduled for Monday, the seller's attorney is busy today, there is more title related paperwork to track down, it is possible that even Monday is optimistic - while everyone is open to the idea of closing this week, it doesn't look like there is any way it could happen.  But isn't that when you pray for a miracle?  Miracles are about when there is no earthly way for it to happen.  So why not?

I found myself praying for a miraculous closing, with a "but it is okay if it doesn't happen" disclaimer at the end of my paper.  And it wasn't even a fervent prayer, with much conviction, my heart wasn't in it... why not?  It is what I really want.  It would make my life better (or I think so).  It isn't too hard for God.

Some of my answers:

  1. I trust that God's timing is in all that is happening.  God is working it out for the best. (but then why pray about anything?)
  2. It feels selfish to pray for this.  To me it seems like a prayer from selfish motives, and that doesn't sit right in my spirit.  (but I've prayed for myself before, and when I stop and think about it - this impacts many others as well)
  3. Maybe I think this is too tough and I don't want to set God up for failure.  I laugh to myself as I write, but sometimes I feel God has more control over biology than bureaucracy - a lie in my spirit, but it is there. (God can handle paperwork)
  4. Deep down I know it isn't really important.  In a year, in six months, a few weeks difference in timing regarding the closing probably won't actually matter.  Why bother God for something which is just a annoyance at the moment? 
Well, it is number four that I don't have a good counter argument for - probably the closest answer so far.

Lord, I would like to close on the house today, but it would take your direct involvement - it would take a miracle.  I know it really isn't that important, but it would sure make my day, and you would be the only one who would get credit.  It would be clearly your hand at work.  I don't want to list out why this would be good - you know.  You know so much more than I.  I trust you Lord.

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