Friday, February 24, 2012

Life is Complex

In reading a reflection on Luke 9:57-62 the complexity of life hit me yet again.  On some levels it is true that following Jesus "is simple, but not easy."  But it is not easy because actually living out the simple is very complex.
Simple ideas do not equal simple decisions.

Simple Idea - take care of the poor.
          Complex Decisions - why are they poor, what do they really need, do you give until you are poor?
Simple Idea - if someone is in need, help them.
          Complex Decisions - which of the billions of people do you help, what if they don't understand their true needs, who am I to think I might have a clue what their true needs are?
Simple Idea - don't have more than you need
          Complex Decisions - I need food, shelter and relationship.  That is all we really need, yet even those who take a vow of poverty draw a line somewhere beyond this - so where does one draw the line?  What do I need to minister in my context?  Are these actually necessary to effectively minister in a suburban context or is it just rationalization to have things I want?  What's good for my family and mental health?

And then this morning I struggle with the larger complexities of life.  A family, one of the most amazing young families I know, who is hit with hard time after hard time.  They love God deeply, love each other beautifully, serve others graciously, make the world a better place, yet I have seen few families deal with as many hardships as they.  It isn't how it is supposed to work.  How come I see others receive blessing after blessing, yet not this family?  I want God to give them simple beautiful blessings!

If life were simple, where would the trust in God be?
If life were simple, where would the thought and choice be?
If life were simple, where would the nuanced beauty be?
If life were simple, would it really be life?

Life is not simple.  There are simple truths which combine to make a very complex life.  In the complexity we find the passion, the beauty, the power - in the complexity we find God.

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