Monday, February 27, 2012

Amazing church

Delmar Reformed Church is an amazing church.  Yesterday we were privileged to host the General Secretary of the Reformed Church in America (the head of our denomination), and what he saw was a church which I could share with pride.  Not pride in what I have done, but pride is a history of God's work.  DRC is a wonderful church - far from perfect, but wonderful.

  • We needed volunteers to usher due to some miscommunication and the openings were filled in minutes.
  • There were visitors, and I watched them be warmly welcomed.
  • The adults who returned from Nicaragua at 3am, were together with us in worship a few hours later.
  • Our Elders met in the afternoon, not out of obligation, but for the strengthening of the church.
  • We are seeing God's hand at work of providing the right people at the right time.
  • Piles of Lenten reflection guides have been taken home for daily devotional use.
  • I could share with Gen. Sec. so many hopes and dreams for the future.
  • People welcomed a message of unity based clearly on Christ.
  • Infants and elderly, unemployed and CEO's, Democrats and Republicans, etc - all together in one body.

As I welcomed the head of the RCA to our church, it reminded me again what a wonderful place DRC is.

This probably isn't a very good blog - it seems like bragging.  I guess it is, but I don't feel like all these things are my doing, or the doing of any one person.  Everything that is DRC is a result of God working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

Those of your from DRC - what could you add to the list?

1 comment:

  1. People who were apparent strangers just a few months ago will now seek each other out to lend support. The support is genuine. The care is authentic.
